Birth on 29 Dec 1818.

Because his date of birth was listed in Affing, this record was easy to find.  But first, a more general word about these church records. The microfilm labels these records as from Mönchdeggingen, a larger village about 5 km north of Burgmagerbein.  From the name (Mönch) I suspect there was a monastery there.  Whether or not there were smaller churches in the individual villages I cannot yet say.  However, from my experience near Affing, no village seemed too small to have its own church or at least chapel. Many if not most baptisms appear to have occurred on the same day as the birth.  It seems too far to have to go to Deggingen with a new-born for the sacrament so I assume it was performed locally. For the purposes of the discussion on these pages, when a location is named in the individual record, I consider that was the village in which the person lived.

In this Catholic region, the records are written in Latin.  In a way that makes it easier as the script is more like what we modern Americans are used to.  However, there is some "leakage" of german script into the records.  Capital letters are still tricky. Several forms of the letter 's' are used.  The convention of a line over a consonant to indicate that it is doubled is frequent.  The surname of females may have a suffix of '-in."  Many ecclesiastic abbreviations are used that are still mysterious to me.  Last but not least, never have taken the language in high-school: it is all mysterious Latin to me!  I will try to translate the records below as best I can, but I hope some of you will email me to correct errors and misinterpretations.


Francis Anton

He was born (natus) and baptized (renatus) on the same day of 29 December.  He is given the Latinized name of Franciscus Antonius.  I assume these "translate" to Francis Anton.  I do not know if his contemporaries would have called him Franz Anton.  (There is at least one record for a different Francis in which a later edit refers to Franz.)

In the Affing family register, Anton is not listed with his religious name of Francis.  Fortunately, the birthdate confirms the identification.

The next column names his parents.  Josephus Gnugesser/ vulgo des something/ semicol. in Burgmagerbein and Maria Theresia/ nata Strasserin/ wife of the above.  I interpret this as Joseph Gnugesser, commonly known as [can't read here]; a semicolonus (?small farmer) from Burgmagerbein; and his wife Maria Theresia.

The last column lists the godparents.  The information in the entries for godparents and witnesses at weddings has proved very helpful in these records.  In this case they are Udalricus (Ulrich) Halbeck and his wife Maria Anna of Burgmagerbein.  This couple served at godparents for all of the 9 known of Francis Anton's siblings.

Further discussion:
I struggled with what was meant by the designation "vulgo." In another record it is clear that the priest is identifying the name by which Joseph was known commonly.    I still can't translate it but it is in the nature of "<something> Joseph."

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