I forget exactly how I found this, but it is a perfect match for the passenger list containing the 15 year-old Gustav Römhild. The age matches exactly what is expected from Gustav's gravestone and other documents. The origin is listed as Schwarzburg, but I take this to mean the region or "state" rather than the village.  Here is a map of Schwarzburg-Sondershausen.

Gustav is 15 and may be traveling with other youngsters from Schwarzberg to Philadelphia.  This suggests that he was not the first in his family to come to America.  If I am ever able to find the village where he came from, much may become clear.

He began as a "farmer" and ended as a turner and carver of wood.  Where for example and from whom did he learn his trade.  I would love to know.

Addendum 16 Sep 2011: Gustav came from Grossbreitenbach in the Thüringen Forrest.  He was a millers son and would have been used to working with wood.  I suspect that "farmer" was added in a pro forma way.