Carolina Baÿerl of Gundelsdorf


In the same collection of Family Registers in which I found Leonhard and Andreas, I also found registers containing names of two Bayerl women. I still do not know how, if indeed these women are, connected to my Baÿerl family line.  Born in 1806, Carolina is a contemporary of Leonhard.  These two records point out the importance of understanding the spelling issue.  Carolina above has her name spelled "Baÿerl." She lived next door to the main Baÿerl house in Affing.  Furthermore, she comes from the nearby town of Gundelsdorf where other Baÿerls in Affing came from, namely Alois, and Otto.  Unfortunately I do not know how these latter two fit into the picture and am waiting for records from Gundelsdorf. The other female in Affing with a related name is Maria Anna Baierl.

As I searched additional l records in Affing, and started to look through those of Gundelsdorf, some links emerged. I quickly found Carolina's parents in Gundelsdorf, along with the names of some of her siblings. I will present that evidence on another page.  In Gundelsdorf, her family name was spelled either Baierl or Baÿerl, depending on the 19th century priest. I still do not know how or if she fits in to my family line. For the entire 18th century, Gundelsdorf was home for many Baÿerls. The indexes of births, deaths and marriages contain over a hundred names. Nonethe less, my Bayerls of Affing did not come directly from Gundelsdorf, but rather from Edenreid.  If there is a connection, it is further back.  Look here for additional discussion about the Bayerls of Gundelsdorf.